PDG Tony Gilmore
Good news.
Our three Covid19 global grants have been approved!  I have sent instructions to each club who has pledged where and how to fulfill their pledges. No grant will be funded by Rotary until it is 100% of pledged money is received. The due date for pledges to be funded by the clubs is Friday, July 31st.
Once each grant is accepted and fully funded, Rotary will send the district a check, a period that takes 5 to 7 business days. During that time, we will verify information of all vendors to receive checks. Clubs are responsible for ensuring that grant proceeds are expended properly and will be required to sign a checklist so stating. It is critical that all clubs adhere to these instructions as future district grants will not be accepted by Rotary until these conditions are met.
Anticipated timeline  - it may slip a week or two.
  • About mid-July, grants accepted - collection of pledges begins (hopefully completed in two weeks)
  • About August 1st. Rotary to send district check(s) (remember there are three grants)
  • Perhaps second week in August, checks, and checklists sent to vendors and clubs
  • Balance of August and September signed club checklists due September 30 grant end date