If love is the language for all generations across all continents, Rotary Leadership Institute should be the language of all Rotarians! Here is what you will get from attending RLI sessions:
1.Personal Growth and Development: RLI sessions enable you to enhance your human relations and personal development skills. Every module of this program is interactive with long time, (sometimes multi-generational Rotarians), and new Rotarians! You will learns something new every time.
2. Continuing Education: While Rotary doesn’t officially call what you learn at RLI continuing education with CEU’S, every program developed and designed for RLI teaches valuable information about Rotary in the community, our nation, and the world. Each topic presented provides an opportunity to learn from a variety of different participants and facilitators.
3. Fun: Rotary Leadership Institute is fun, a lot of fun! Each topic is interesting and fun. The class projects are fun. Social interaction is fun.
Rotary’s code of ethics, our “Four Way Test,” reminds us to be gracious, generous, and positive in our dealings with others—to enhance relationships with others rather than diminishing others or selfishly boosting ourselves.
You can register for our D7870 virtual RLI at https://rlinea.org/ for Parts I, II & III and our Graduate Program (Succession Planning) being held on Tuesday & Thursday, 3/19 & 3/21 from 6pm to 9pm. Both days are necessary in order to obtain your graduation certificate.
If you have any questions or need help with enrolling, please contact carol.powis@comcast.net